Håkan Nunstedt is a philosophy doctor and an associate professor of caring sciences and works as a teacher and researcher at University West in Trollhättan.
Håkan has a burning interest in nature since 8-9 years of age. It started with an interest in birds and sound recordings with tape recorders, but in the teens went over to cameras focusing on birds and mammals. Over time, the area has widened. Håkan is strongly involved in nature conservation and especially cares for capercaillie and black grouse, and a qualitatively good moose strain, especially on Halle and Hunneberg in Västergötland, Sweden, but also in other areas.
For many years, Håkan has traveled and photographed at Halle- and Hunneberg, which resulted in the photo book: "Kungens och älgarnas berg-Halle- och Hunneberg", which was published in 2006. In addition, Håkan has published photos in a large number of magazines, including three major articles in the magazine FOTO, an article in the journal CAMERA NATURA, and a large number of articles in various hunting magazines such as Svensk Jakt (Swedish Hunting), Allt om Jakt och vapen (Everything about hunting and weapons) and published photos or text and photos in about 10 other books, including the book of Kodiak (Alaska) which was published in 2012. Håkan has also authored five textbooks on the subject of caring science, has been the editor of an anthology on ethics, wrote a dissertation in caring sciences, and published a large number of scientific articles. On March 28, 2015, there was a release on the book: "Möten med älgar" (Meetings with moose). You can find more information and order the book under the tab products.